30 Dec

Collateral Mortgage Charges – The Facts


Posted by: Peter Paley

Collateral Mortgage Charges – The Facts As the financing world changes with tighter policies, new regulations and tougher qualifications, I feel it is very important to revisit some information surrounding Collateral Mortgage Charges. A collateral mortgage charge according to The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada website is; Collateral charge A collateral charge can be used […]

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31 Oct

Homebuyer’s Seminar – November 22nd, 2018


Posted by: Peter Paley

If you have mortgage & real estate questions, we have the answers. Join us November 22nd for a very informative information session about your real estate and home financing options. Please follow the link to register. https://dominionlending.worldsecuresystems.com/first-time-home-buyers

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1 Jul

First Time Home Buyer? Why Not Buy a Duplex?


Posted by: Peter Paley

One of the best-kept secrets in the mortgage industry is the Owner Occupied Rental Program.  Did you know, that anyone can buy and owner-occupied duplex, tri-plex or even a four-plex with only 5% down?  It’s true!  The best part is that many lenders will allow you to use 100% of the rent to help you […]

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4 Jun

Open Houses – A great introduction to the housing market.


Posted by: Peter Paley

So, you want to buy a house?   You need information that is accurate and up-to-date.  Many first time home buyers start googling on the internet.  It is very easy to get confused and overwhelmed with the amount of information available.  Fixed rates, variable rates, CMHC, Genworth, 5% down, 20% down, insured, conventional, collateral charges…. […]

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26 May

The Truth About Mortgage Math


Posted by: Peter Paley

Are you tired of the mass media paranoia?  The Housing Bubble! Debt-to-income Ratios! Canada Is On The Verge Of Economic Collapse!  Foreign Investors!  The Stress Test!  The Liberals, The Conservatives, The NDP are destroying our country or province or something or other virtually every day.  It would seem that the sky is falling. Take a […]

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21 May

The New Frontier – Get involved and contact your MP.


Posted by: Peter Paley

Mortgages are simple.  They should be easy to acquire and should have a common-sense based application process.   However, over the last decade, there have been numerous changes.   The regulators have decreased our amortizations from 40 years to 35 to 30 and now 25 (for insured mortgages).  They have curtailed and obstructed small business […]

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