1 Nov

There Is Still Time To Get You In Your New Home For The Holidays!


Posted by: Peter Paley

*Singing* 🎶There’s no place like home for the holidays🎶

If you would like to be in your new home for the holiday season🎁, GOOD NEWS!  There is still time!

You will need to get pre-approved by us as soon as possible and remember we will review all of your documents and application upfront to ensure a smooth home purchase and mortgage transaction.

Here is the timeline to get you home for the holidays!

🎅 Complete our secure online application 10-15minutes
🎄 We will review the application the same day or the next  and request the required document(1-day)
🤶 You will upload all of the required documents (Income, down payment, etc.)
🕯️ We will review your documents the same day or the next day.
🕎 We will submit your application for a rate hold and issue your pre-approval letter.
❄️ You can contact your REALTOR or we can recommend one for you to start shopping!
🌟 Once you find a home, contact us to enter the details in your application and make a conditional offer with 3-days for a financing condition and possession date before the holidays!
☃️We will submit your application and have a decision in 24 hours.  The lender may have a few more questions or require more documents.
🎁Once approved and all conditions are met, we will issue your FINAL APPROVAL!!!j

And congratulations we can have you home for the holidays!

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30 Oct

Renting VS. Homeownership:


Posted by: Peter Paley

Renting VS. Homeownership:

If you’re a renter in Manitoba and Alberta, you are probably experiencing rental increases at the end of your terms. Many landlords are also being forced out of the market due to higher interest rates or switching to short-term rentals to make more money. This means that many renters will be facing the enormous challenge of having to move and facing unprecedented rental increases in the market.

Depending on your market you will see average rents increasing by double digits. The following information is noted on “rentals.ca” and shows the average rents by city in our main markets as of October 2023.

Winnipeg, Manitoba
1 Bedroom – $1221/month
2 Bedroom – $1636/month

3 Bedroom – $2050/month

Calgary, Alberta
1 Bedroom – $1445/month
2 Bedroom – $1825/month
3 Bedroom – $2655/month
Edmonton, Alberta
1 Bedroom – $1306/month
2 Bedroom – $1618/month
3 Bedroom – $1760/month
One of the most important things to remember is that rental pricing is likely to only increase in the short term. With immigration being at record highs, mortgage qualification rules everchanging, and a high-interest rate environment, make renting a very risky option.

Using the numbers above we have made the following charge. A renter can spend between $73,000 – $160,000 over a 5-year period without building any equity. A homeowner will earn between $21,000 & $45,000 in equity in the same time period and these amounts do not include any increases in property values.

Based on the rental amounts above, these would translate into mortgage payments that could purchase a home priced between $200,000 – $430,000 (please refer to chart)
But, what if you don’t have a down payment?
This can be challenging for many renters and there are a few different strategies to explore:
👉 RRSP Loan for Down Payment
👉 TFSA Loan For Down Payment
👉 Flex-Down/Borrowed Down Payment
👉 Gift from a family member
👉 Refinancing a vehicle, boat or RV
👉 Saving monthly
👉 Federal Or Provincial Grant Program
If you are tired of renting and are looking to get on the path to homeownership, please contact us today!
27 Oct

Economic Update With – Dr. Sherry Cooper – “Hawkish Hold By The Bank Of Canada”


Posted by: Peter Paley

Dr. Sherry Cooper is Dominion Lending Centre’s Chief Economist.  We love to share her insights!  Hou can click on the video to watch the full update and the link to read her latest article.

Our economy has slowed, parts of the world are in turmoil, and interest rates are still high.  Here are some of my hilites from Dr. Sherry’s Update.

🐌 The Canadian economy has slowed
📈 Inflation is holding at approximately 3.7%/3.8%
⬇️ Mortgage originations are down
⬇️Job vacancies are down
⬇️Food inflation is down (The prices are still high, but at least not increasing, much)
⬇️ Home sales are down 3 months in a row (nationally)
⬆️ 35% increase in listings (nationally)
⬆️ Consumer insolvencies are up
⬆️ Business insolvencies are up.
⚡Energy prices are the main contributor to inflation since June 2023
🔥 The US economy is hot and as always affects Canada.
💪 Employment in Canada remains strong
💸 Government budget deficits mean more interest is being accrued

🔮 What does it all mean?  No one has a crystal ball and everyone’s situation is unique.  The best thing to do is be informed and prepared.
✅ Contact us for a review of your existing mortgage
✅ Contact us for a 2nd opinion regarding a mortgage pre-approval
✅ Know your numbers and do your household budget
✅ Try to eliminate as much consumer debt as possible
✅ Eliminate unnecessary expenses
✅ Lower necessary expenses (shop around, clip coupons, watch for sales)

Watch and enjoy the presentation below.




Contact us today for your next mortgage

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26 Oct

Why Could My Mortgage Broker Approve Me And My Bank Couldn’t?


Posted by: Peter Paley

Why were you (Mainstream Mortgages) able to get me approved and my bank or credit union couldn’t?

One of our recent clients asked us this question. The answer isn’t that simple in all cases. For the most part, each and every lender will have access to the same programs offered by the Federal Government and Provincial Governments, and the rules are uniform across the land.

I think the best answers to this question will help keep our clients SAFE and worry-free:

🏆S – specialization
🏆A – access
🏆F – focus
🏆E – experience

😎As a mortgage specialist in one of Manitoba’s largest mortgage brokerages, we have the specialization, diversification, and knowledge of our team members is crucial. For example, we have private, commercial, and mortgage salespeople who specialize in first-time homebuyers, new to Canada, and Self-employed mortgages.

😎We have access to many lenders, programs, and niche lending products. More choices and access will usually lead to finding a good solution for our mortgage clients.

😎Focusing on mortgages allows us to live and breathe mortgages on a daily basis. Our office will often brainstorm ideas to help find a solution for our clients.

😎Our experience and knowledge grow every week. We are constantly finding new technology and more efficient processes. We attend webinars, and conferences, and have our lender partners updating us on rates and policies.

They say that the devil is in the detail 😈, and this cannot be more true for mortgages. Presentation, knowledge, and quality of documents are all factors that will help us put together the perfect mortgage package for YOU! Contact us for your next mortgage!

25 Oct

Mortgage Documents – Paystubs


Posted by: Peter Paley

When applying for a mortgage many borrowers are overwhelmed with the amount of documentation we request, and today, I want to talk about Paystubs.

Paystubs fall under the income category in the mortgage documentation process.

Paystubs should contain all of the following information:

✅Your employer’s name/Company Name
✅Your Name
✅The pay period date
✅The wage or salary and how many hours were worked in the pay period.
✅Any overtime, bonus, vacation pay, or other premiums.
✅All deductions from wages and the reason for each deduction
✅Your YTD year-to-date pay
✅Both your gross and net pay
✅It is also preferred that the paystubs are prepared by a payroll service such as Ceridian, Ibex, or a Government Agency

Not all people receive traditional paystubs.  Some employers do their own payroll through their accounting software, use a bookkeeper, or pay by cash or cheque and issue a PDOC spring (Payroll Deductions Online Calculator)
In these cases the standard information may or may not be included on the pay statement and extra information will be required.  This information could include;

⚠️ All pay statements for the last 3 months – 12 months
⚠️ Personal bank statement showing the matching deposits for 3 months – 12 months
⚠️ A letter from your employer declaring your YTD year-to-date gross income.

What do we look for in the paystubs?

➡️ We make sure that your income is consistent.
➡️ We will check to see if the hours on the paystub match your letter of employment
➡️ We will look at your YTD year-to-date pay to make sure it’s on pace with what you should have made.
➡️ We will look at your YTD hours to make sure that they are also on pace with what you should have worked.
➡️ We will look for any anomalies on the physical paystub and even make sure that all of the deductions make sense, and add up.

If we find any anomalies we may need you to provide more information.

If you have any questions about your mortgage documentation or would like to apply for your next mortgage, please contact us at 431.482.2187 (Call/Text) or at greatrates@mainstreammortgages.com

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23 Oct

You have been asked to be a co-signer on a mortgage. Here are 6 things to consider:


Posted by: Peter Paley

October 23, 2023

You have been asked to be a co-signer on a mortgage. Here are 6 things to consider:

6 Things for Co-Signers to Consider.
Are you thinking about co-signing on a loan or mortgage? If you’re looking to help out a family member or loved one, this is a great way to do that because a co-signer can help the borrower qualify and overcome the stress test and borrowing obstacles.

However, it is important to be aware of the implications when being a co-signer on a loan or mortgage.

💳 Credit History: Your own personal credit score and history can be affected. You are giving the lender access to your credit history. If the borrower makes any payments late or stops paying the loan for any reason, the late payments will negatively impact the co-signers credit score.

⚖️ Legal Implications: Always be sure to understand the taxes, legal, and estate situations that accompany co-signing, should the borrower fail to pay. A lawyer can help you review the loan agreement and advise of any items you may need to take note of.

🗓️ Timeline: Understanding how many years the co-signed loan or mortgage agreement will be in place and what your options are for making changes will help you determine the scope of the loan and if you can make changes at any point should the borrower become able to assume the entirety of the mortgage on their own in the future.

💰Personal Income Tax: Depending on the loan, you may have an obligation to pay capital gains taxes. It is a good idea to review your personal tax situation with an accountant or tax professional before signing off on the co-borrower agreement to ensure no surprises.

🤗Relationship with Borrower: This is a vital consideration for going in on any loan. Do you trust the individual? Are you aware of their financial situation? Are you willing to potentially put yourself at risk to assist them? These are all important questions as many of us may want to help out family or loved ones, but it is important to ensure that the individual is reliable.

🔮Future Finances: Lastly, consider your future finances and if you have any plans in the future that could be impacted by an additional loan. How much flexibility do you need for yourself and your family? If you have plans to purchase a new home, refinance your existing home, or make any other changes to your own mortgage, being a co-signor could affect and limit your options.

Co-signing for a loan always requires careful consideration and it is a large responsibility. However, when done correctly and with people you trust, it can be a great way to assist family members or loved ones with their goal of homeownership. If you are considering co-signing on a loan and have any questions please contact us today!

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20 Oct

Mortgage Documents – Letter Of Employment


Posted by: Peter Paley


Mortgage Documents – Letter Of Employment 📝

The Letter Of Employment is a common document requested by Mortgage Professionals and Lenders.  We request this document for borrowers who are either salaried or earn an hourly wage.

The letter has a few requirements to be accepted by a lender and/or mortgage default insurer.

👉 Letterhead – The letter must be written on company letterhead
👉 Guaranteed Hours – The letter must state the guaranteed hours per week worked by the borrower.  If the borrower’s hours are not guaranteed and the letter uses terms like “works an average of ______ hours per week” or “works up to _____ hours per week”, more documentation will be required.
👉 Position – The letter must state the borrower’s position.
👉Start Date – The letter must state the borrower’s start date
👉Remuneration – The letter must state the borrower’s hourly rate or salary
👉Authorization – The letter must have the Manager/Supervisor/HR author’s signature and direct phone number for verification.
👉Date – The letter must be dated within 30-60days

⚠️If the letter states that the hours are NOT GUARANTEED, we will then ask for the most two recent years of T4 statements and use either the two-year average or the most recent year’s income (if lower than the previous year).
⚠️In this case, we will also confirm the current YTD – Year-To-Date Gross Earnings to confirm that the borrower is on pace to earn the income amount allowable.

🔎What do we look for🔎
✅ We will search for the company on Google to ensure it exists and view its website if applicable.
✅ We will do our best to verify that the person who signed the Employment Letter works for that company.
✅ We will also do our best to confirm that the employee isn’t related to the owner of the company or has ownership in the company themselves.

The property verification of documents that we do upfront can save the borrower and their REALTOR a lot of stress.  Lenders and regulators are developing new techniques and embracing new AI technology to identify misrepresentations in mortgage documentation.

Having a perfect documentation package is very satisfying to a mortgage broker!

We hope that we can help you with your next mortgage!

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19 Oct



Posted by: Peter Paley

October 19, 2023

❤️We Love Realtors❤️

🏆This is a shoutout to all of the hardworking REALTOR partner professionals who have supported and helped us throughout the years. We appreciate all of the work, long hours, and especially all the driving you do 🚗🚗🚗.

REALTORs and Mortgage Brokers have such a symbiotic relationship. We are both working for the same goal, to get our mutual client the best deal, rate, terms, and solution to fit their homeownership needs.

REALTORs who work with dedicated mortgage brokers can increase their annual business by up to 4x than going it alone.


Time – A REALTOR can save a lot of time by knowing that their client is pre-approved, and not only pre-qualified. Imagine showing 15 homes, finally getting an accepted offer, and finding out in the end the client isn’t approved.
Peace-Of-Mind – A REALTOR can focus on their day-to-day tasks and marketing because Mortgage Brokers have access to all buyer programs i.e. First Time Home Buyer Incentive, Business For Self/Self Employed Programs, MMF First Time Home Purchase Plan and so many more.
Efficiency – Mortgage Brokers can work evenings, weekends, and holidays. If a REALTOR is in a jam, mortgage brokers are there!
Experience – REALTORs can rely on the experience that seasoned Mortgage Professionals have. If you have a challenging situation, we’ve probably had experience handling it!
Comprehensive – Mortgage Brokers will do a detailed and meticulous pre-approval and ensure that your client has the best solution.
Tenacity – We cannot pre-approve every client. However, we can work with them. If a potential homebuyer doesn’t qualify now, we will work with them and provide ongoing advice and support to eventually get them pre-approved (usually 3-18mos).
Relationship – A REALTOR and a Mortgage Broker have a special relationship and often find each other in very similar situations and can easily relate on many issues.
Questions – Mortgage Brokers are happy to always provide information and training to REALTORS. We love to answer your questions!

If you are a REALTOR and looking to partner with an excellent Mortgage Broker Team. Please contact us and let’s have a coffee!

#mainstreammortgages #realtorlife #mortgagerates #realestate #mortgagebroker

18 Oct

So, you need a tenant


Posted by: Peter Paley

If you have a basement suite or rental property and you are currently looking for a tenant, there are some things to know! Whether this is your first tenant or you have other rental properties, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the specifics to ensure a harmonious tenancy.

As always, your responsibility as the landlord is to keep your rental properties in good condition and ensure they meet health, safety, and housing standards. However, as a landlord, you also have additional responsibilities around the rental agreement and tenant regulations.

Tenancy Agreement

Landlords are required to prepare a written agreement for every tenancy. Bear in mind, if this agreement is not prepared the standard terms for your province will still apply, especially if a security deposit is paid. This agreement should clearly outline the following:

  • Who the agreement is between
  • The length of the tenancy
  • Rent amount and due date
  • Required deposits (if any)
  • Pet restrictions (if any)
  • Additional terms (smoking or non-smoking, etc)

The tenancy agreement should also outline if there is the ability to add a roommate, and whether or not utilities, parking, storage, laundry, etc. are included.


Typically, a security or damage deposit is requested by the landlord to establish tenancy and cover any unexpected issues that may arise. The deposit can be no more than half of the first month’s rent.

If you are charging a pet deposit fee, note that guide or service pets are exempt from any damage deposits. In addition, you cannot charge fees beyond the pet damage deposit.

Move In

To ensure the move-in goes smoothly, tenants and landlords should schedule a move-in time that works for everyone. At the beginning of the tenancy, you may also consider an inspection before the new tenant has moved in to ensure everyone is on the same page and the condition of the unit is clear in regard to any potential damages or fixes needed.

As a landlord, you are also responsible for changing the locks (at your cost) should the new tenant request it.

Additional Considerations

As a landlord, you will want to assess the suitability of any new tenant before signing the agreement. There are a few things you can do to ensure a smooth process and the right choice of tenant:

  • Ask for proof of identity
  • Thoroughly check all references
  • Contact previous landlords to ask about rental and payment history
  • Conduct a credit check to confirm income and financial suitability
  • Get the names of all persons to be living in the rental unit

Once you have reviewed the above, you will be in a good position to determine if the potential tenant is a good fit for the rental space.

However, keep in mind that you cannot refuse to rent to a tenant based on any discriminatory aspects such as race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, etc. In addition, you cannot refuse to rent to individuals on income assistance.

While it can seem like a lot, with the proper preparation and understanding of tenant laws and regulations in your area, you can ensure a smooth and successful rental process!

Here are some links to local tenancy branches in MB and AB.

If you need more information about Rental/Income Property Mortgages check out our page at


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17 Oct



Posted by: Peter Paley

October 17, 2023 ~ Cashback Mortgages

Cashback mortgages are a mortgage product where the lender will charge a slightly higher mortgage rate in exchange for giving the borrower extra cash on closing.

You may be able to get up to 5% Cashback on the funded mortgage amount, pending different offers from different lenders.

For this example, we will use a cashback amount of 3%. If your mortgage was to be $300,000 the lender would increase the balance to $309,000 and give the borrower the extra $9,000.

What you need to know is that the lender will charge a higher mortgage rate to offset the amount of the cashback. A lender will usually charge between .15% – .40% of interest for each 1% of cashback you receive. In our 3% cashback example, the lender would normally charge 5.94% for a 5-year Fixed-Rate Mortgage. If you select the Cashback Option your rate would increase to 6.69%.

How does this affect your mortgage? Using our $300,000 – 3% Cashback example this is how the numbers would look.

Traditional Mortgage:
$300,000 – Mortgage Amount
5.94% 5-Year Fixed-Rate
$1909.00 Monthly Mortgage Payment
$269,281 – Mortgage Balance at the end of the term.

3% Cashback Mortgage:
$309,000 – Mortgage Amount
6.69% 5-Year Fixed-Rate
$2,105.00 Monthly Mortgage Payment
$289,210 – Mortgage Balance at the end of the term.

The difference in payments will be $197/month.
The difference in interest paid is $13,733.00
The difference in principal paid is $1,929.00

So why would anyone want to pay more for some cashback?

These products can offer a solution for clients if they are having a difficult time qualifying for a higher mortgage amount due to the stress test, the clients need to purchase furniture or other household items and don’t want to use a 20-28 % interest rate credit card or for other personal reasons.

While not for everyone, a cashback mortgage can be a tool be a homeowner sooner. With rent prices skyrocketing across the country (25%-30% in some areas) the cashback premium may be a smaller price to pay than paying higher rent.

We would be happy to review your individual situation and find the right mortgage solution for you.

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