17 Nov



Posted by: Peter Paley

November 17, 2023

Updated New To Canada Policy

One of my favourite things in the mortgage industry is when our policies finally start to get it right. There have been quite a few enhancements for New Canadians and many New-To-Canada policies.

Canada is planning to welcome 465,000 newcomers in 2023, 485,000 in 2024, and 500,000 in 2025! Having excellent and comprehensive New-To-Canada policies will be essential.

You can click the link to be redirected to our page for the complete information. Here are some of the hilites.

✅ Gifted down payments are allowed for 100% of the down payment and closing costs.
✅Borrowers transferred to Canada under a corporate relocation program are now exempt from working full-time for 90 days.
✅ We now have access to a future income program with one of our lenders for New Canadians who have 35% down or more.

At DLC Mainstream Mortgages, we offer the most comprehensive New-To-Canada Policy in the Prairies!

Peter Paley, Colten Boudreau, & Derek Vandall
Dominion Lending Centres Mainstream Mortgages
Phone/Text – (431) 482-2187
E-mail: GreatRates@MainstreamMortgages.Com

#mainstreammortgages #mortgagebroker #newtocanada #Realtors #realtorlife #mortgage #newtocanada #immigration #immigrationconsultant

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16 Nov

Is your financial game on point? We’ve got tips!


Posted by: Peter Paley

November is Financial Literacy Month and we have the tips to ensure your financial game is on point this Fall as we head into the New Year!

Nail Down Your Budget
Understanding the basics of budgeting and tracking your income versus spending is a fundamental part of financial literacy and control. Building a budget can help you define your spending habits, and determine where there is room for adjustments, and this gives you a chance to review your cash flow situation to ensure it aligns with your financial goals.

Ideally, your budget will fall close to the range of the following:

  • 32% of your income for housing, including property taxes, maintenance, utilities, etc.
  • 26% of your income for life, including groceries, medical, childcare, vacations, fun, etc.
  • 16% of your income for transit, including car payments, bus passes, gas, etc.
  • 16% of your income for debt, including credit cards, lines of credit, loans, etc.
  • 10% of your income for savings, including long-term planning, retirement, etc.


Dedicate Your Savings

Many individuals will have a savings account that is connected to their chequing account. This can be a bad habit, as it becomes too easy to use your savings account as a second account versus as a dedicated account for emergencies, vacation planning, or more. Ideally, you are putting 10% of your monthly income into savings whenever possible.

Live Within Your Means

This one seems simple, but it is surprisingly difficult to do – especially if you don’t have a proper budget! By putting together a budget as mentioned above, you can see where you are spending your income and how it compares to what you are bringing in. Ideally, you are adjusting your spending to ensure that you are not going over the cash flow available to you with priority expenses first, followed by leisure.

Understand Your Banking Options and Interest Rates

Having a loan with a 16% interest rate, a credit card that you’re barely making payments on, or a savings account that doesn’t give much back are all areas for consideration when it comes to truly understanding your options. Sometimes a different bank, account type, or loan type can make a big difference to your financial position. There are plenty of options, especially at mortgage renewal time, for consolidating your debt, changing your mortgage, getting a better interest rate, and more!



Check Your Credit

An annual review of your credit score and credit report is a huge part of financial literacy as this plays a key role in your overall financial status. Your credit score affects your loans, credit cards, mortgages, and the interest rate you can qualify for so be sure to understand where you fall on the scale.


Plan for Big Expenses

Are you looking to replace your car? Planning a family vacation? Need to renovate your kitchen or replace some furniture? These are all typically larger expenses that should be planned for in advance. While sometimes an appliance will break and need to be replaced, the goal is to have funds in your budget (or savings) for when things come up unexpectedly but also to plan out spending before large purchases or bookings. This ensures that when you get on that plane or drive off that car lot, you know you’re already paid!

Review Your Financial Progress

A lot of people set up a budget but then they don’t update it! Ideally, if any of your expenses change, such as an increase to your streaming services bill or utilities go up, you are updating your budget in real-time to ensure that you are keenly aware of what is coming into your account and going out. Generally, an annual review is a good idea for an overall clean-up of your budget but keeping it maintained all year long will help you get the best picture of your financial situation.

Stay Informed

When it comes to financial literacy, knowledge is power. With so many resources by your side from your mortgage broker to our Enriched TipsEconomic Insights and more it is easy to keep your finger on the pulse and be mindful of current economic changes, as well as new products or opportunities such as 40-year amortization mortgages!

Whether you’re new to financial literacy and budgeting, or simply want a refresh, taking control of your finances and better understanding your spending, cash flow, and options will help you get the most out of your income!

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15 Nov

Top 5 Errors Made By Banks, Credit Unions & Mortgage Professionals That Can Jeopardize Your Mortgage Approval


Posted by: Peter Paley

To err is human, to have your mortgage funded divine 🙌

The mortgage landscape has changed dramatically over the last 15 years, in particular, more rules, more policies, more guidelines, more programs to counteract the bad policies, a rate for every type of application, property restrictions, more property defects, the list goes on.   It is easier than ever for your mortgage professional to make an error that could cost you your mortgage approval.  Every week we get either a panicked call from a borrower or their REALTOR with the same theme,  “The lender (Bank, Credit Union, Mortgage Agent) just told us they weren’t honoring the pre-approval they gave”

Here are the top 5 errors made:

1. The credit bureau is not checked or verified.  One of the most important parts of the mortgage application and especially the pre-approval is the credit bureau.  Credit Score, credit history, payment history, types of credit, and amounts owed are crucial.  It is important that your mortgage professional pull the credit bureau from (Equifax and if possible Transunion) and verify its contents.  Things to look for are the credit score, name match, address history match, if there are any AKAs (also known as),  length of credit history, and how many Mortgages, revolving credits, and installment credits there are.  We also check for any missed or late payments, any undisclosed mortgages or loans where the borrower may be a co-signer, and we look for any outstanding collections, consumer proposals, and bankruptcy.   If the credit bureau isn’t checked thoroughly, it is very easy to miss a mortgage, a credit score that is satisfactory but other credit challenges could jeopardize a mortgage approval.   Knowing the score just isn’t good enough and results in our #1 error.

2. Income is not verified.  Incorrect income is the next major error made by loan officers.  Especially in the case of insured mortgages (less than 20% down payment).   Income must be verified for a 2-year period, preferably at the same employer, or 2 years self-employed.  If this isn’t possible, we are looking to verify “guaranteed hours” from an employer, we are confirming YTD (year-to-date) pay is on pace, and we will be checking T4s and notices of assessment.  For certain types of income, we will verify T1 General Personal Tax Returns, Business Financial Statements, Business T2 Corporate Tax Returns, the ages of your children and amounts received for CCB Canada Child Benefit, and more.  Incorrect income is our #2 reason.  It is also quite common for borrowers not to understand how much money they actually make which makes verification a must!  Incorrect income is our top error #2.

3. The down payment is not verified.  There are some pretty strict guidelines around AML – Anti Money Laundering.  It is very important that your mortgage professional review a 90-day history of all money being used for the down payment and closing costs.  This means getting 3 months of Account Statements, Investment Statements, RRSP Statements, TFSA Statements, etc.  The mortgage professional should analyze the statement for any deposit made within the 90-day period and look for and explain any deposits that are atypical over $2,500.00.  Large deposits must be explained and verified.   Large e-transfers, ABM deposits, and cash deposits all have to be verified and may not meet the standard.  Inadmissible income is our #3 top error.

4. Incorrect debt payments.  When qualifying for a mortgage, a mathematical ratio is used which takes into consideration the borrower’s gross annual income and divides it by the monthly payment obligations.  If the wrong payments are being used on the application then the mortgage approval may be null & void.  For example, a borrower owes $15,000.00 on a major credit card.  The minimum payment on that card is $287/month.  This cannot be used as a payment in the mortgage application.  We must use a payment equal to 3% of the outstanding balance or $450.00 in this example.  If a borrower has a buy-now-pay-later credit card, then 5% of the balance must be used.  It is also quite common for the credit bureau to either have the wrong payment amount listed on the bureau or the wrong payment frequency which can also drastically affect the amount of the payment used on the application.

5. Lack of knowledge about mortgage programs and mortgage hacks.  Many of our clients come to us with perfect applications and their previous financial institution or loan officer just didn’t know enough.   There are many programs and policies available for clients to help them get approved for a mortgage that many financial institutions don’t participate in or their employees don’t have any knowledge about them.  Some of these programs include; Business For Self Alt-A (stated income), Business For Self Less Than 2 Years, First Time Home Buyer Incentive, First Time Home Purchase Plan (for Metis citizens), Borrowed/Flex Down Payment, and more.  Some common mortgage application hacks that we can do are to fix incorrect reporting on the credit bureau, refinance or pull equity out of other properties or vehicles, increase credit scores by increasing credit card limits, get an RSP loan for the down payment in 90 days time, and so much more.

It really pays to use a MORTGAGE PROFESSIONAL!  At DLC Mainstream Mortgage we pride ourselves on reviewing the application and all documentation upfront and providing you with a firm pre-approval.  If we do have concerns or are on the fence about your pre-approval we will explain the rules and the challenges we think we have to you and your REALTOR and issue a “best-efforts” pre-approval, which basically means that we think there is a good chance that the application will be approved by the lender and/or insurer but there are a few challenges that may prevent this.   If we don’t believe you will be approved at this time, we will provide guidance and work with you over time to get you ready for your next mortgage!

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14 Nov

Mainstream Mortgages Terminology Dictionary


Posted by: Peter Paley


Term: Noun
Definition: The period for which a mortgage agreement is in force. Common terms include 1-5, 7 & 10 years.

Amortization: Noun
Definition: The process of paying off a loan through regular payments over time. In a mortgage, this includes both principal and interest.

Down Payment: Noun
Definition: An initial payment made when purchasing a home, typically expressed as a percentage of the total home price. It’s a crucial factor in determining the mortgage amount.

Principal: Noun
Definition: The original amount of money borrowed in a mortgage. Payments are applied to both principal and interest over the life of the mortgage.

Interest Rate: Noun
Definition: The percentage charged by a lender for the use of money. It directly influences the amount of interest paid over the term of the mortgage.

Equity: Noun
Definition: The difference between the home’s market value and the outstanding balance of the mortgage. As the mortgage is paid down, equity increases.

Closing Costs: Noun
Definition: The fees and expenses associated with finalizing a real estate transaction. Includes land transfer tax, appraisal fees, title insurance, and legal fees.

Deposit: Noun
A deposit is the amount of money you give a seller when you present a signed offer to purchase to buy a property.  The deposit is written into the contract.  When the sale closes, the deposit forms part of the down payment.

MDI(Mortgage Default Insurance): Noun
Definition: Insurance that protects the lender in case the borrower defaults on the loan. Usually required if the down payment is less than 20%.  In Canada, we have 3 providers; CMHC, Sagen, and Canada Guaranty

Fixed Rate: Adjective
Definition: An interest rate that remains constant throughout the term of the mortgage, providing predictable monthly payments.

Remember, knowledge is key when navigating the world of mortgages! 🏡💡

12 Nov



Posted by: Peter Paley

Here are the Open Houses For Winnipeg for November 12, 2023

Click This Link To See Open Houses For Winnipeg – November 12, 2023

Click This Link To See Open Houses For Calgary – November 12, 2023

Click This Link To See Open Houses For Edmonton – November 12, 2023

If you have any questions about a pre-approval or you mortgage application please contact us at 431.482.2187 or GreatRates@MainstreamMortgages.Com

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10 Nov

Navigating Higher Mortgage Interest Rates


Posted by: Peter Paley

🏡 Navigating Higher Interest Rates: Mortgage Holder Edition 📈

Hey homeowners! 👋 With interest rates on the rise, it’s time to be proactive and ensure your mortgage game is strong. Here are some tips to weather the higher interest rate environment:

  1. Review Your Budget: Take a closer look at your monthly budget. Identify areas where you can cut back or save more to allocate extra funds towards your mortgage payments.
  2. Refinance Consideration: Explore refinancing options. While rates might be higher than before, locking in a fixed-rate mortgage could provide stability and protect you from future increases.
  3. Accelerate Payments: Consider increasing the frequency of your mortgage payments. Switching from monthly to bi-weekly payments can lead to an extra payment each year, helping you pay off your mortgage faster.
  4. Emergency Fund Priority: Ensure your emergency fund is robust. A solid financial cushion can provide peace of mind and act as a safety net if unexpected expenses arise.
  5. Financial Health Check: Assess your overall financial health. Are there high-interest debts that could be consolidated or paid down to free up funds for your mortgage?
  6. Professional Advice: Connect with a financial advisor or mortgage broker. They can provide personalized guidance based on your situation and help you make informed decisions.

Remember, proactive planning is key! 🗝️ By taking these steps, you’re not only adapting to the current environment but also setting yourself up for long-term financial success. 🚀 #SmartMortgageMoves #FinancialWellness

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9 Nov

Your Credit Score Explained


Posted by: Peter Paley

🍁Credit Scores Explained 📊

Are you curious about how your credit score is determined in Canada🍁? Let’s break it down with emojis!

1️⃣ 💳 Payment History: 🕒 On-time payments = 😀. Late or missed payments = 😖. Pay your bills on time your payment history makes up 35% of your credit score!

2️⃣ 💰 Credit Utilization: 📈 Low credit card balances = 🌟. High balances = 🙁. Keep those balances in check, credit utilization accounts for 30% of your credit score.  The lower the balance, the better your score, and the higher the balance, the lower the score.

3️⃣ 📄 Credit History: 📆 Longer history = 👍. New credit = 🫤. Maintain a good credit history over time!  Credit History forms 15% of your overall credit score.

4️⃣ 💳 Types of Credit: 💼 Mix it up! Having different types of credit (credit cards, loans) can boost your score. 🔄 Credit Type makes up 10% of your credit score.

5️⃣ 📍 Recent Inquiries:  Opening too many accounts = 😫. Limit credit applications to avoid a drop in your score.  Credit checks can decrease your score and form 10% of the overall score.  However, when shopping for a mortgage your credit score should not be adversely affected if your score is checked multiple times in a two-week period.

Remember, your credit score is like a financial report card. Aim for those top marks to unlock better financial opportunities! 💯🎓

#CreditScore #FinancialWellness #Canada 🍁

8 Nov

Why do REALTORS Work With Mortgage Brokers?


Posted by: Peter Paley

REALTORS dramatically increase their business when partnering with mortgage professionals and more specifically mortgage brokers!

🌟DLC  Mainstream Mortgages is THE ultimate mortgage partner you’ve been searching for to make your clients’ homeownership dreams come true. 🏡💫

Why choose us? 🤔

✅ Unmatched Expertise: Our team (Peter, Colten, and Derek) have years of experience, ensuring seamless transactions for your clients. 🧑‍💼🧑‍💼🧑‍💼

✅ Tailored Solutions: We understand every client’s unique needs and financial situations, crafting personalized mortgage solutions for each. 💼💰🏢

✅ Quick & Easy Process: Say goodbye to the hassles of paperwork and long waiting times. We make the mortgage process a breeze! 📑🏃‍♂️  Your clients can expect;
1. A quick online application process
2. An efficient application and documentation review with simple and easy online uploads.
3  Education about the mortgage and homebuying process

✅ Competitive Rates: Your clients deserve the best deals, and we’ll make sure they get them. 💰💲💯
Ask how our preferred partners can get even better rates for their clients, appraisals paid and legal fee rebates.

✅ Exceptional Support & Communication: We’re here for you and your clients every step of the way, providing communication, support, and guidance at each step of the process. 🤝📞

✅  Answering Your Questions:  Our entire team can be reached by phone, text, e-mail, and across all social media questions if you have financing questions that relate to a specific program, property, or situation you are facing.  We will be happy to answer it for you.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to boost your Real Estate business and provide a top-notch experience to your clients. Let’s team up and make homeownership dreams a reality! 💪🏡

Drop us a message to get started or visit our website for more information. 📩💻  If you would like to pop by our office for a coffee, we can arrange it!

#RealEstate #Mortgages #Partnership #Homeownership #MainstreamMortgages #REALTOR #mortgagebroker #teamworkmakesthedreamwork

6 Nov

How Much Does It Cost To Use A Mortgage Broker? And, How Do They Get Paid?


Posted by: Peter Paley

In almost 95% of cases the services of a mortgage broker are FREE.  The Mortgage Broker is almost always paid a fee or commission directly from the lender.


Brokerage Fees & Compensation:
Mortgage brokers typically do not have to charge you any fees. However, there are times when that may be necessary. Fees are based on the application themselves. Let’s illustrate them below:

1) Finders Fee:  This is the most typical way a mortgage professional gets paid.  A lender will generally pay a mortgage broker a percentage of the mortgage amount as a finders fee.  The amount of the fee can range from 0.5% to 1.5% with the average being about 1%.  For example, if a client borrows $300,000.00 – the mortgage professional would likely receive a gross commission of 1% or $3,000.

2). Lender Fee:  Some lenders charge a fee for the mortgage application.   These lenders usually specialize in borrowers who have bruised credit, or applications that require notable exceptions.  These lenders will charge a fee of 1%-3% and pay the mortgage professional a portion of that fee (usually 50%).

3). Broker Fee:  Sometimes a mortgage broker will need to charge a fee if they are using a private lender or a financial institution that doesn’t have a finders fee agreement with the brokerage.   For example a major bank, credit union, mortgage investment corporation, or private corporation.  These fees are set by the broker and agreed upon by the client.  Typically fees are between 1%-3% and have a minimum of usually $2,500.00.  If a broker/brokerage fee is charged, it will be fully disclosed upfront in writing.

4). Cash Back:  Many lenders have a cashback program for their clients.  Cashback is also how the mortgage professional can receive compensation instead of a lender fee or broker fee.  In this case, the lender will pay the broker 1% of the funded mortgage amount and increase the mortgage rate to the borrower by .2% or .25% depending upon their policy.   The increase in the interest rate is what compensates the broker and is paid over the term of the mortgage. With this type of mortgage, it is important to understand that the mortgage penalty will be higher and may include the cashback portion.

If you would like to know what a mortgage broker can do for you, please contact us today!

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5 Nov

Winnipeg Open Houses – Sunday November 5th, 2023


Posted by: Peter Paley

Visiting open houses is an excellent way to ease into the real estate market.   You can see which neighbourhoods appeal to you, meet and interview REALTORs and preview homes that you may want to make an offer on.

If you are actively looking for a new home it’s important to get a mortgage pre-appoval.   You can start by downloading our My Mortgage Toolbox App and contact us today!

Click the following link to be redirected to this weekend’s open houses

WINNIPEG Open Houses – Sunday November 5th, 2023

Contact us using the form below to start your mortgage application