Participating Life Insurance

Participating life insurance pays out dividends that can help increase cash flow, reduce the cost of insurance or accumulate for an even larger payout. Depending on the option chosen, dividends may even offer tax-shelter benefits.

For participating policyholders
Participating life insurance policyholders have the opportunity to earn dividends. Premiums are credited to participating policyholders through a “participating account.”

Dividends are not guaranteed. They may be affected by various experience factors. Participating policies are grouped based on factors such as type of policy and date of purchase. The experience of each group determines the dividends to be allocated within the group.

Dividends may vary upward or downward from those illustrated, depending on a number of variables. Assumption Life’s appointed actuary looks at the mortality experience, the expense experience (including taxes) and the investment experience for each group of participating policies and makes an annual recommendation to the Board of Directors. The Board dictates the dividend scales for the next year.


  • For individuals aged 18-75
  • Payable over 20 years or for life
  • Coverage ranging from $5,000 to $4,000,000
  • No medical exam for coverage of $249,999 or less

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ParPlus Junior

  • No medical exam
  • For youth aged 15 days -17 years
  • 20-year pay
  • Coverage ranging from $5,000 to $4,000,000

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